Written by app-thermal

The role of ZØR solutions in the logistical process of vaccines against COVID-19

ZØR has promptly and successfully responded to the challenge raised by the logistics of the COVID-19 vaccine through its thermal and temperature monitoring solutions.

Different vaccines require different storage temperatures and ZØR supported this whole process by developing tailor-made solutions.



This solution minimises temperature-related risks and guarantees conservation at low temperatures in order to respect the intervals for each vaccine.

The FZ-20S solution is qualified and ideal for transport and distribution in vehicles without temperature control.

Through FabLab, ZØR Group’s laboratory, thermal stability tests were performed to ensure the thermal behaviour of the solution.

This solution is qualified for 36 to 48 hours and is prepared for temperature ranges from -20ºC to -18ºC with universal configuration for winter and summer, simplifying the process and reducing handling.


e-Kool Smart Bag PCM

The Smart Bag PCM is a reusable isothermal bag, qualified and suitable for the shipment of products in the pharmaceutical and hospital sector.

As the previous solution, thermal stability qualification tests were performed in order to adapt it to real operation, i.e. transport routes in real destinations, by ZØR, FabLab.

These solutions are qualified up to 48 hours for temperature ranges of 2º to 8ºC or 15º to 25ºC and allow the possibility of incorporating a sensor, making the solution intelligent and monitorable.

These were extensively used in the local distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccines. They ensured temperature maintenance during transport from the warehouses in each region to the vaccine administration points.

Temperature maintenance, robustness in materials (also easy to clean), as well as the possibility of using a sensor, ensuring total traceability.



More than ever, correct monitoring management was essential to minimise risks associated with temperature and deviations.

A transport or storage that compromises the temperature of the vaccine can remove all its effectiveness, so ZØR Thermal systems, such as the i-Thermal platform, and other systems/dataloggers represented in Portugal by ZØR, were crucial in the vaccination process.

Geolocation was also crucial, in order to track the whole process, being a technology increasingly used in various operations.