Escrito por APP

Interview – HIPERSUPER

Manuel Pizarro reinforces the importance of transport in the “last mile” in an interview to HIPERSUPER magazine.

“With the growth of online sales and proximity formats,” last mile “product transportation – from the distribution center (or store) to the end consumer – will have to be increasingly efficient. Advanced Products Portugal have specialized in “last mile” to help companies compete with giants like Amazon”


Escrito por APP

APP is news at TSF “Business and Companies” and at the Association of Pharmacies in Portugal

Food and medicines run the world with Portuguese thermal solution

Portuguese technology is exported to African and South American countries.

APP Advanced Products creates solutions that guarantee the thermal chain of products during transport, handling or storage operations and in 2018 wants to conquer Brazil, Morocco, Poland and Turkey.

This Portuguese company based in Maia has developed a laboratory solution that translates into a thermal box that allows, without temperature fluctuations, to take food, or medicines, to the cold steppes of Russia, or to the hot sands of Dubai.


Escrito por APP

APP interview to Logística Moderna magazine

The APP interview to Logística Moderna focused on the future.

APP intends to extend its network to markets in South America and Africa or to “wherever our customer needs to deliver their products.”

Read the full interview on our facebook //



Escrito por APP

APP interview to farmacêutico News magazine

APP speaks in interview about the complexity and high regulation of the pharmaceutical industry.
Using all the knowledge acquired over the years, Manuel Pizarro explains how our company helps companies to keep their products at controlled temperatures throughout its route.
Our thermal chain technology solutions are a plus, especially when it comes to the lives of humans and animals.

Escrito por app-thermal

Fruta, Legumes & Flores magazine

“CARGO READY IN CONTAINERS” was the theme addressed in the Fruta, Legumes e Flores magazine in May.

APP ‘gives voice’ to the theme with its technological solutions of Thermal Chain that allows that the Foods are transported of safe form without losing their characteristics.

Read the full article on our facebook.

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